So what precisely goes on in writing a Flashpoint story for Star Wars: The Old Republic? If you’re curious about that, you can get some insight from an internal debrief of writer Caitlin Sullivan Kelly. As the woman responsible for the story behind the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint, she has some commentary on the overall process and the details of that flashpoint in particular, starting by highlighting the amount of cross-department work involved in making a flashpoint across the whole team compared to a short story.
She also goes into detail about what led to the selection of companions for the flashpoint in question, with two newer characters (Aryn Leneer and Darth Rivix) being easy inclusions for their immediate story relevance. Arn Peralun was added to ensure that the Republic side had someone to act as what amounted to a tour guide to the ruins, while Darth Krovos was someone with a personal connection to Malgus in a way the Imperials side needed. Check out the full interview for more insights into the process.Source: Official Site