There aren’t a whole lot of MMORPGs that make it to 20 years old, but Anarchy Online is joining those hallowed ranks this month. Even better, Funcom hasn’t forgotten about the event, even cheekily acknowledging the game’s rough launch back in 2001 (it’s still considered one of the worst MMO launches of all time). But obviously it recovered and still lives!
So here’s what players can expect this year. First, Funcom is offering a deal on three-, six-, and 12-month subscriptions, the top-end of which offers a new armor suit: “Purchase 3 months for the back slot, 6 months for the chest piece and back slot, or get a vacuum-packed set at 12 months containing everything but the helmet!” There’s also an upgrade deal for sloobs. (Froobs are free-to-play players; sloobs are Shadowlands accounts. Now you know.)
As for the fun stuff, AO players can expect daily login goodies, the helmet from the above suit, and the return of the Tinker, Desert Rider world event, and some new outdoor raid bosses.
“The BIG TROX Loren Warr is back once again as an outdoor raid boss! Warr may be found along the outskirts of Newland. They’re as tough as ever, so don’t let yourself get stomped into dust! Unless, you know… you’re into that sort of thing. We’re not here to judge. New to Rubi-Ka “5”, big and bad reimaginings of classic bosses are back as world bosses! Abmouth, Zaal, T.A.M., Cerubin, and Atma must be stopped, and you can look forward to some sweet loot as a reward for defeating them!”
Happy birthday, Rubi-Ka.