The brain drain continues over at Blizzard Entertainment, as World of Warcraft Senior Artist Eric Braddock announced this month that he had left the studio for an unnamed opportunity, one of many veterans to leave the company in the last few months.
“Yesterday was my last day at Blizzard Entertainment,” Braddock said on June 19th. “After eight years at my dream job on my favorite game, the time has come to say goodbye. An amazing opportunity of a lifetime has come and I can’t wait to share more about my new adventure with you all.”
Braddock worked on the past three expansions and was promoted to senior artist back in March. He’s perhaps most notable for being the creative force behind one of Battle for Azeroth’s beloved figures: “One of my most proud contributions to World of Warcraft so far is easily my creation of Taelia Fordragon, daughter of Bolvar Fordragon. She is a character I came up with, concepted, wrote her backstory, worked out her place in the lore, her personality and pitched her to our design team. I feel extremely fortunate and honored to have her in the game and am so thrilled with the way she was handled by our Quest Design team in Battle for Azeroth.”
You can check out Braddock’s art portfolio online.