The Guardians of Destiny 2 are all about the Light, but now they’re also going to be about that glow. The Solstice of Heroes event looks to be very shiny indeed, with unique (and extremely luminous) Solstice armor sets that can be powered up through three tiers by completing armor objectives.
It’s not just about hyper-glowy armor, as the event also features a new European Aerial Zone where three players can team up to take on bosses and loot Solstice packages and Solstice Key Fragments to open said packages. These new goodie boxes offer up armor, weapons, materials, Solstice gear, and rerolls of the new Compass Rose shotgun. Completing this new zone for the first time also unlocks daily, weekly, and repeatable bounties for even more rewards.
If you’d rather take part in other activities outside of this new zone, there’s also a daily featured element mechanic present during the event that will let players generate empowering orbs provided they attack enemies with the featured element in question. This new mechanic is present everywhere except for certain pinnacle level activities.
The Solstice of Heroes will run between Tuesday, July 6th, and Tuesday, August 3rd. Specific instructions on how the event works are provided here.