After a two year-long hiatus, fans of official PvP tournament action in EVE Online as CCP Games announced the return of the Alliance Tournament this coming November, a double elimination 10 vs. 10 PvP throwdown where alliance representatives will duke it out for glory and prizes.
Sing-ups for the tournament begin this coming Monday, July 19th, with instructions for those interested in participating to be shared on that day. After sign-ups close on August 16th, there will be several events leading up to the tournament proper including a feeder event and open practices in the Thunderdome, then the event proper begins during the weekends of November 6th and November 13th.
Prizes are “pancake themed,” with discounts for the Garmur, Orthrus, and Barghest and some flat-shaped Alliance Tournament prize ships will be fought over. The event itself is seeing a few adjustments as well, such as new and returning prize SKINs being added, plans to bring back previous prize ships in future events, and a few rules adjustments meant to keep the tournament fresh.
As mentioned in the opening paragraph, the Alliance Tournament was put on hiatus back in 2019 in order for CCP to re-evaluate how to support official events. The post now affirms that the dev studio is ready to support tournaments like this year-round. Our good blogging friend Wilhelm Arcturus of The Ancient Gaming Noob has an excellent blog post that outlines why this event’s return is a big deal and some of the tournament’s history.