Earlier this week, ArtCraft elevated Crowfall’s first big patch since launch to the live servers, bringing the 3v3 faction PvP fully online and opening the larger Dregs campaigns as the original campaigns wound down. But the rollout hasn’t been without challenges.
“Players identified an issue in the Conquest scoring system late in the campaign and as a result, we chose to delay delivery of the Conquest segment of rewards to allow our team time to review the data,” the studio explains.
“After an initial review, we announced a change to the scoring system to curtail further abuse as the campaign was ending. After further review of the data and related player feedback, we have decided to move forward and grant all the Conquest rewards as originally offered in the campaign, to all the winning guild leaders – to ensure no player guilds were denied rewards they earned during the campaign. The rewards will be distributed this week. As a rule, we prefer not to interrupt current campaigns in progress and to let the campaign play out, then focus on making rule or reward changes post campaign. However, if we feel there is something significantly negative impacting our players or threatening the security of the game or the game economy, our team will step in. This was one of those cases.”
ArtCraft says it’s now requiring 100 conquest points for qualifying for conquest rewards and nerfing Shadow campaign rewards to “about half the current level live.” The studio also notes that it’s continuing to amp up its marketing with ads and Twitch streaming, and of course it launched a recruiting campaign earlier this week.