People put a lot of effort into their MMORPG houses, but that only enhances the amusement when it’s time for the community to blow them up, right? I’m mostly kidding, but not entirely: As of today’s update, Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends has initiated one of its intermittent housing demolition/house pack-up events.
Here’s how it works: Players can claim their demo scrolls and run to every corner of the galaxy to demolish any building or structure that has been flagged by the game as abandoned – that’s usually tied to login status and maintenance. The first player to demolish the building collects currency to spend on neat deco items. And the house owner? Oh, don’t worry, the house isn’t really destroyed; it just pops into the owner’s datapad and can be replaced in a new location when and if the owner ever returns. It essentially frees up land for new players, always a good thing in an open-world sandbox. And even if you don’t want to blow up houses, you might want to scout around to see if any desirable land has opened up – sometimes cities are knocked down a tier, too.
“The time has come, Legends! Get out there and clean house. At the moment this event has gone live, there are at least 13,544 homes eligible for packup! There is no set date for the event to end. Due to the nature of this event, the length it lasts is determined more by how fast all of you can locate eligible houses. We will make the determination later on for when to turn the event off when there appears to be no houses left to destroy.”