Ready to go trick-or-treating in Tamriel? Instead of holding out your candy sack to NPCs in Elder Scrolls Online, you’re going to have to earn your goodies the hard way — by killing bosses for bonus Halloween loot.
Elder Scrolls Online’s Witches Festival kicks off on October 21st and will continue until November 2nd with a whole raft of activities. Chief among these is extra reward boxes, Dremora Motif pages, and event tickets that can be exchanged for even more stuff. You can even collect fragments of a bear-dog pet and stitch it together to make your own adorable Frankenstein abomination!
The Witches Festival also includes a brand-new daily quest: “This new quest is available each day from Witchmother Taerma, who is within Olyve’s Brewery AND at every Impresario tent in Tamriel. Her daily quest charges you with collecting 50 Cursed Feathers, found within Plunder Skull containers. Once you have collected all 50, you can transform them into an effigy that you can then use to transport yourself into a special realm to battle a new world boss monster — good luck!”
Source: Elder Scrolls Online