Once again, Black Desert is awash with news for the week across every version, so we’ll cut this lede short and dive right in. We begin with the mobile version’s latest update that is full of several events marking its second anniversary like a birthday candle event, server hot time, and a collection event among others.
In addition, the mobile version has added the Spiritwalker class, applied some nerfs to several world bosses, introduced more boss rush-style world bosses via Alyaelli’s Rift, and opened up the region of East Valencia. The patch notes outline all the details.
This week on PC, one of the larger highlights is a change to the way boss summoning with the Ibedor’s Scroll works, with the intention of making it “a primary means of acquiring Caphras Stones” once more. The update has also changed loot tables for blue whales in several ocean regions, changed Elvia realm quests, and kicked off events of its own like login rewards and events to mark the upcoming Calpheon Ball.
Finally, we look to this week’s console update, which has introduced Conquest and Node Wars for the Valencia region along with the end of the Season+ server, an increase in Black Stone drops from certain monsters, and a few changes to improve stabilization.