Just yesterday we noted that the month of December was going to be full of events for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and sure enough the MMORPG’s latest update has begun several of those events, not the least of which being the game’s tenth anniversary.
The game’s anniversary starts with a special vendor that will be hanging out on the Fleet between now and January 2023. This vendor offers previous anniversary rewards and Renown Boosters, as well as the promise of new stock through the entire coming year, including contest winning decorations that will arrive when Legacy of the Sith arrives. The anniversary also sees the annual discount for the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds, making them a meager 10 credits each. Of course, the LOTS expansion was also supposed to be part of the festivities, but that was pushed back into February.
Other events arriving in this patch include the Life Day celebration, two weeks’ worth of double XP, Valor, and Renown boosts, the return of the Feast of Prosperity event, and the Total War Conquest PvP event. Dates and details for all of these events are in the patch notes.