Lord of the Rings Online is putting its newest raid through the crucible before it goes live next week. SSG announced that the 12-player Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra raid is on the test server until this afternoon in preparation for its upcoming release.
As for the new region that came with this week’s update, SSG’s Scenario said, “that is what The Angle represents — as well as everything else we have planned for landscape this year — a much needed break for the World Design team after spending several years in dark lands and caves.”
“Not that we didn’t LOVE bringing the Mordor Besieged, Minas Morgul, and Gundabad to life,” he added, “but much like you all, all that dark and oppressive terrain wears on us. We’re very happy to be getting out into the sunlight with U32 (well… most of us, I was still in Erebor heh). But going forward through the rest of the year, expect a much sunnier set of new landscapes!”