Have you been pondering the orb recently? Elyon is assuming so because its newest event starting with today’s patch gives you a whole new set of orbs to ponder in the form of the Porong’s Orb Machine event. You buy some silver medals and you insert them into the Orb, and the Orb spits out randomized presents. So it’s a slot machine, but it’s an orb slot machine. You may ponder it intensely if this brings you joy.
You may also ponder the long list of class changes that this patch brings to the game, which include skill attributes for Potent Chain Lighting, more taunt targets for Warlords, changes to Burn effects for Elementalists, and new effects for Nature’s Protection for Mystics. You can get a full rundown of all the changes with (what else) the official patch notes, which list all of the changes in fine detail. And the designers hope you like those changes so much you’ll buy a sailor suit from them, apparently.