At long last, the server hardware running the PC NA datacenter of Elder Scrolls Online will no longer be living in the year 2012: An announcement on the forums confirms that the devs will be refreshing the server hardware for the region as part of maintenance starting tomorrow, May 3rd.
The announcement notes that while this server replacement won’t result in any performance gains in-game, it will mean more reliable service overall and fewer unplanned maintenance, as components that are failing or nearly failing are being swapped out. The devs further note that this hardware replacement works; the team used the Update 34 PTS hardware as a test case, switching out server components a few weeks ago and noting that things were working smoothly.
As for PC EU players and console players, their respective datacenters will be getting a similar refresh as well, but the timelines for ordering and sourcing hardware remain very long and so there’s no date on when things will be improved there. That said, at least PC NA players are getting what sounds like a much-needed update.