Destiny 2 tentatively scores $13.5M in settlement with makers of cheat software


Bungie has seen yet another court case it leveraged against the makers of some cheat software for Destiny 2 wrap up. The studio brought a lawsuit last August against companies Elite Boss Tech and 11020781 Canada Inc., along with several unnamed defendants, for making and distributing the software, which Bungie argued went against copyright law and the DMCA’s anti-circumvention provisions. The case has now been settled, with Bungie being awarded $13.5M.

According to the stipulated motion, the settled upon figure effectively amounts to $2,000 of statutory damages for each of the 6,765 times the software was downloaded. Elite Boss Tech is further being hit with a permanent injunction that prohibits the company from making more software that infringes on Bungie’s software. The settlement is yet to get the rubber stamp from the court at the time of this writing, but at this point it’s likely all academic from here.

In other Destiny 2 news, Bungie is continuing to expand its “digital first” workplace initiative with 11 new states being approved for remote-eligible jobs.

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