Everything old is new again in DC Universe Online as Game Update 126 has arrived, bringing with it a new event that lets players revisit classic adventures that have been scaled up for higher level players.
The Save the Universe event opens up three different classic encounters for one, four, and eight players for four weeks at a time. From now until July 27th, players can play the Last Son of Krypton, the BoP Volcano Mining Facility, and the Kandor Central Tower encounters, while BoP Lex Tower, Smallville, and Darkseid War Factory will be available between July 28th and August 17th.
The other major piece of GU126 is the addition of Future Lex Luthor as an ally, who comes equipped with some control effects and passive boosts for those who bring him along.
The patch has also brought on some new rewards at the Doctor Fate vendor and the LexCorp Exclusive Time Capsule lockbox. Patch notes for the full update are available on the forums, and the update has also recently gotten a hotfix.