Bored Blade and Soul players have a cure for their summertime blues: a new content update that’s on tap for August 10th. NCsoft confirmed that the Dawn of Darkness update is set to arrive next week with a chunk of new activities to enjoy.
The centerpiece of Dawn of Darkness is the solo Shrouded Ajanara dungeon: “Chaos has spread during the past few months, as you experienced in the Hall of Trials, Namdo Shrine, and Altar of the Infinite dungeons… and it’s high time to get ready to fight back. Lay the foundation to confront Chaos by training in the new solo dungeon, Shrouded Ajanara!”
This content drop also brings back the Frozen Vipercap Cavern, a few smaller events,” improvements to daily challenges, and a new world chat channel that NCsoft hopes you will “use with wisdom.”
And that, right there, is the textbook definition of “optimism.”
Source: Blade and Soul