Neverwinter executive producer Brett Norton sat for a Q&A livestream last week, fielding a wide variety of questions from players, and if you don’t have the time to watch the video, the devs have assembled a handy recap of the affair. And if you don’t have time to read all of that, then allow us to provide a few highlights.
- Why did the Tower of the Mad Mage get buffed? Blame the Dragonslayer expansion: The Tower, as well as other master trials, got increased rewards in the expansion, and so those encounters were tuned upward. Norton does admit that this has made getting certain achievements harder, but for now the data don’t support any adjustments.
- Will there be crossplay? In short, no. “It’s a very complicated technical request to get done, so as a result of that, it would take a lot of work,” said Norton.
- Where is the roadmap? It’s in the works. A long-term internal roadmap is lined up for the devs, while a player-facing one should be shared in a couple of months.
- How is the Wizard rework coming along? Norton wasn’t able to share many details simply because he didn’t know, but he did state one of the devs is doing groundwork like engaging with players, finding issues, and playing the class himself.
- Will weekly limits on old campaigns be removed? “We have some solutions for things that are in the legacy campaign which allow us to speed up through them, but we haven’t looked at the newer campaigns like Sharandar and other non-legacy campaigns. It will come up, we will look at sort of advancing through them, but at the same time, we don’t want to remove all the gates that we have from all of our immediate content.”
- Druid when? Norton would “not confirm nor deny” that the Druid is en route, particularly with the class being a part of the upcoming D&D movie. He did, however, note that tying the game to the film might be challenging because there are “a lot of middle people.”
- Will skirmishes like Call to Arms or Tales of Old come back? Not in the short- or middle-term, but Norton does note he would like to make it happen; the barrier is the amount of time it would take to rework them.
source: official site