How many unread tabs are on your current web browser? Be honest with yourself; you don’t have to tell us in the comments. Tabs are a mixed blessing, that’s the point we’re making, but hopefully the newly tabbed inventory system in Skyforge will not inspire you to totally forget about the Weapon tab for ages until you begrudgingly mutter, “I should really take a look at all the weapons I’ve been stacking up in there.” It’s all right. We understand.
Fortunately for you, since the bag update is not coming until the game’s next maintenance, you are not going to be promising yourself idly that you will eventually look at that weapon drop in the appropriate tab that you first put there in 2018. You can even expand the size of your various bags with credits (which are in-game currency, not microtransaction currency), with each expansion costing different amounts depending on which tab you’re enlarging. Check out the full rundown on the official site; hopefully the change will make it easier and cleaner to navigate all the stuff kicking around your inventory.Source: Official Site