Catnip Games is still recovering from Shroud of the Avatar’s disastrous Release 106 update, but the team is reportedly in the “home stretch” of its efforts, with past due tax fixes already applied, a QA event on October 22nd in Hometown to help players restore purchased items planned, and gold balance returns currently in the QA server.
Unfortunately, it’s not all rosy news as the QA testing directive post points out, confirming that gold returns will not have every coin counted. “Some people might not see what they expect but this is the best we can do from the data we have,” remarks the post.
Discussion in the test environment channel of SOTA’s Discord shows some general confusion about how the gold reimbursements are being calculated, with many noting that returns amounts are surprisingly low; one player appears to have lost about 1.6M of in-game gold.
Players on the game’s subreddit are a bit less charitable, with one particularly angry rant calling out the lack of IT best practices and some portions of the game’s community. “As long as the apologists keep trying to deny the reality seen by the mainstream who know to expect better from a MMORPG in the last 20 years, [Shroud will be] unable to attract the new players it sorely needs,” the poster rails. “The excuses are on the level you’d expect from a newbie MUD admin who is dartboarding a guess for why their AWS… err, MUD install… ate itself.”