Star Citizen is checking back in once again with its customary monthly development report for October, which by and large focuses on things that were already shown at CitizenCon, including efforts on master modes, enemy AI investigating noises, travel speed tweaks, movement and vaulting, and investigation missions. There was also another deep dive into progress on the Gen 12 renderer, while the AI portion further elaborated on making sure NPCs eat, enemies learned how to use rocket launchers, and Vanduul attempts at executing players could be escaped and were sufficiently meaty feeling from a first-person perspective.
The Arena Commander feature has seen some interesting updates in October, as CIG is focusing on making it the game’s primary ranked competitive mode. This includes changes to duel mode that let players effectively “draft” ships and see what the enemy team is selecting in a pre-match screen, along with alpha 3.18 deliverables. Incidentally, Theaters of War is nowhere to be found in the report.
CIG is otherwise focusing on some of the work for alpha 3.18 such as the cargo refactoring and the new community kiosk as well as the upcoming IAE free fly event, but mostly October was about clearing tasks for SC’s stated “road to 4.0.”