Who doesn’t like a leaderboard? It’s like a high score table for an arcade game, except it’s online and you can’t claim that the initials you entered are your real initials, Sebastian Erasmus Xavier. New World is getting leaderboards, and in a new video hosted by social features lead Dan Henuber with social team game designer Rachel Barnum and social team lead engineer Scott Geiser, the team dives into the nature of leaderboards with an obvious question: Why now?
While there are things not yet in place like ranked PvP, the game has other content that the designers want to celebrate like Mutations and Faction Wars, and in many ways implementing leaderboards now provides a framework that can be built upon and expanded in the future. Check out the full video down below to get a sense of the challenges and systems that went into making leaderboards a reality. Please do not pay to rename your character Sebastien Erasmus Xavier for the feature, though.