Last time we peeked in on the mobile MMO EVE Echoes, it was kicking off its own citizen scientist Project Discovery initiative to help analyze biological compounds. There haven’t been many updates to the title in the intervening months since then, but there have been enough that we think it’s worth a quick return trip to highlight what’s happened.
We start with an update last October that introduced the ansible stargate, which lets players create their own custom warp points between two such gates and customize them with specified access rights. Then in December the MMO added new ships and ship types including the versatile assault ship, carrier-launched lightweight ships, and faction-specific carriers.
The most recent update has introduced a corporations clash feature that will let corporations simulate a battle between each other; the feature offers no rewards, but it’s explained by the devs as a way to help corps train their members for real battles and also grant corps a way to have friendly scrums.