Has Gamigo abandoned RIFT? Given the lack of updates and massive layoffs and tiny population, you might think so, and we’ve certainly been wary of the company’s intentions. But maybe today’s promo will change your mind: Early this morning, Gamigo sent out a press release advertising half a month (15 days) of sub for players of RIFT, new and returning.
“From tomorrow running through until March 8th, players who log into RIFT will receive 15 days of Patron Status – starting from the day of the login. Additional bonuses that come along with this are as follows:
• BONUS EXPERIENCE – 40% XP boost helps players level up faster, up to level 60. There is also the option to toggle this off for a more relaxed experience.
• OVERLORD – Minions love a good Overlord, earning +5% XP on each of their ventures.
• MOUNTED COMMAND – Players can travel faster with +10% mount speed, +25% faster mounting, and a -5% chance of being dismounted.
• MARVELOUS LUCK – Players are rewarded with an increased chance for marvelous loot from supply loot crates.
• PATRON FAST PASS – Players have the ability to teleport on the move without the use of a Porticulum once every 30 minutes, no matter where on the map they are.”
Last week, Gamigo also announced that Trove and RIFT accounts must be linked to Steam, which now seems as if it might have been preparation for this event. The company is also promising a 50% dungeon currency bonus buff this weekend and a 50% planarite bonus from… well, it says “3/3 – 6/3,” but we expect the studio meant March 3rd through 6th, so the weekend after this weekend.
We don’t know what Gamigo is up to, and maybe it’s the last hurrah, but either way, enjoy it while it lasts.