With an overhaul to its PvP honor system and the launch of the official hardcore realms, WoW Classic surged into the spotlight this past week. Blizzard reported that the permadeath realms were hopping following their debut, claiming over 90,000 lives in the first 24 hours and seeing a single character rise to level 33.
And since you’ll be able to transfer your dead-to-the-server character to a normal WoW Classic realm, it’s no surprise that the studio also is selling character transfer bundles for those planning to move multiple toons.
The studio had a few pieces of advice for anyone trying to make it in this permadeath environment, saying, “First Aid. Don’t forget to train it and have bandages at the ready. Group up for safety — the murlocs and kobolds will. Autorun is not your friend. Fatigue kills. Don’t push your luck. Some classes are slightly squishier at lower levels than others but get more powerful over time, so don’t overestimate their power at the start. Elevators kill.”