A whole lot of stuff is once again happening in the PC version of Black Desert, and I’m not feeling clever enough to try and tie them all together in a little bow, so I’ll just go ahead and get to the headlines, starting with the biggest one: in-game inflation.
According to Pearl Abyss, the methods that players can earn silver has ramped up to the point that the economy is becoming inflated, which means that the costs for certain things has to rise on September 13th as well: Pearl item prices will be ramping up by about 94%, blacksmith’s cron stone prices will raise by 50%, and the max silver price for pearl items that can be listed on the Central Market will also rise by approximately 94%. There are other economic changes outlined as well, including a rise in Valks’ Cry and cron stone earnings from extraction and a lower pearl price for the artisan’s memory.
This is all a bit confusing, so we chatted up MOP’s Black Desert columnist Carlo, who explained that it doesn’t appear the changes are intended to reduce silver inflation in the game; the new price caps will merely allow players to trade them at their natural silver value. Of course, that also has the side-effect of increasing the amount of silver one real dollar can buy (once filtered through pearls), which will likely increase Pearl Abyss’ pearl sales.
Remember when BDO talked about adjustments to combat guild war PvP cheesing that was causing “one-sided suffering”? There’s now a date for those adjustments to arrive, and that date is Wednesday, September 13th. As a reminder, guild wars will now only be engaged if both sides agree to the conflict instead of one guild starting wars with everyone and everything.
Finally, this week’s patch brings the ghostly Margoria Pirate Fleet, changes how the server-wide Blessings of the Morning buff applies, applies a few class adjustments, and kicks off another slate of events.