The side-scrolling 2-D survivalbox that is Terraria continues to develop and evolve in additional ways, with developer Re-Logic announcing in its latest monthly address that it’s working on making cross-platform play happen between mobile and console.
The post is quick to point out that crossplay won’t be happening until some time after the 1.4.5 update goes live sometime in 2024 (which means after enough post-release bug fixes have been applied), that the feature will need a lot of testing, and that crossplay will arrive in two phases besides. Still, a screenshot of a crossplay enabling UI was showcased, and the post promises that the devs are already hard at work on the aforementioned testing. In other words, maybe don’t hold your breath but at least be eager to know that it’s in the works.
As for the rest of the newsletter, that once again offers another teaser from the 1.4.5 update, more news about mod loaders, fan art and in-game building showcases, and some more looks at the survival sandbox’s tabletop board game.