Speedy LOTRO players who zipped through Corsairs of Umbar and are now twiddling their thumbs impatiently have mere days to wait before more content arrives. That’s because Update 38.1 is scheduled to arrive on December 6th with more expansion goodness.
In Friday’s livestream, Standing Stone Games previewed Update 38.1 and its new quest hub and missions. The patch will also trigger Yule Hobbit-presents for the month with new rewards, bonus rewards, and absolutely no Dwarf candles whatsoever. One day later, the Yuletide Festival (with lots of new goodies) arrives and will continue through January 2nd.
And if that’s not enough, the Treebeard progression server is scheduled to raise its level cap to 95 and head into the Helm’s Deep expansion next Wednesday as well.
In a separate forum post, the studio clarified how delvings structure their rewards. Basically, delvings have a dependency on the current level cap and raid, which means that when next year’s raid arrives, the rewards from delvings are scheduled to get a whole lot better.
Source: YouTube