While Albion Online is currently in the middle of open beta for the Albion Europe server – players have just under nine days to go until that server has officially launched – there’s plenty to do in the sandbox in the meantime thanks to today’s arrival of the Foundations update.
“Albion Online continues to enrich its guild warfare experience, with its second update of 2024 launching on April 15: Foundations,” Sandbox Interactive says. “This update reshapes territory conflict, with new and reworked mechanisms adding layers of engrossing gameplay to warfare in the Outlands. Fortifications allow guilds to upgrade their territories’ defenses – should they invest the resources – making them considerably more challenging to raid or conquer. Meanwhile, new Siege Banners complement this, giving attackers a means to weaken those Fortifications, while also offering defending guilds further opportunities to stave off an assault.”
Players will want to check out the full landing page and patch notes for the rundown on new territory activity chest rewards, new Outlands territory layouts, new crystal weapons, the spectator mode, season timing tweaks on Albion Americas, new hammer perks, tracking tweaks, and crafting mat adjustments.