Alpha testing is intended to give developers information, feedback, and data on what works and what doesn’t, and so it was for Pax Dei, which is done with talking about alpha two’s killer badgers and is now ready to process what was learned from its latest test.
The postmortem cuts up feedback points into several sections, starting first with combat: Mainframe Industries agrees that combat has a long way to go, but the studio is working on improving movement, responsiveness, and audio feedback, and has zeroed in on performance issues that contributed to fights feeling “floaty.”
On the matter of PvP, the studio promises to bring FFA PvP to areas outside of the Lyonesse zone in order to address complaints about long travel times. It also continues to promise to make a game that PvP lovers will enjoy without forcing PvP haters to feel compelled to enter the activity.
Other planned improvements include work on a better onboarding experience for crafting, fixes for building permission bugs, addressing performance and system issues, and the promise of custom keybinding. As for what’s next, there’s no firm timelines provided for another test or early access launch, but Mainframe does state on that latter point that things are on track and on time for that release.