The Quinfall outlines 50 projects for June’s closed beta test


Turkish-developed The Quinfall is gearing up for its second closed beta test, this one taking place in June.

Curious onlookers and interested fans wondering what’s coming with this build for the fantasy MMO should scoot over to the game’s website, where Vawraek posted a 50-point roadmap of the various projects that it’s hoping to include with next month’s CBT.

These include an impossibly big landscape (boasting “18 major cities, 33 villages, 9 port cities”), seasonal transitions, 10 different weapon types, player housing, farming, construction, deep-sea fishing, treasure hunting, caravans, a thieving system, natural disasters, and animal domestication. Yes, you can go lasso a goat and make it yours, apparently.

Curious about the lore of the world? The studio recently posted a video about The Quinfall’s history leading up to the current era of the game.

Source: The Quinfall
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