Embers Adrift adds new dungeons, a horrible beetle monster, and the ability to form a raid group


We all knew it was coming, but this week it’s been made official, as Embers Adrift has brought out its latest large-scale content patch that adds two new dungeons and a big ol’ beetle-shaped terror.

“Behold the Scarabax!” heralds Stormhaven Studio, a large sentient beetle that the devs describe as more dangerous than it looks. This new threat can be found in the two new dungeons added in this patch: the soloable delve of Osric’s Rest for level 33 to 34 players, and the group-centered Dryfoot Fortress, which has two sections for levels 33 through 36 and 44 through 48.

The other big item for this update is the addition of raid frames, which will allow up to 24 players to form a raid group. This feature works pretty similarly to those one would find in most MMORPGs, though forming a raid group does require a bit of slash command finagling and ensuring that some prerequisites are met, and other important functions like loot rules and context menus aren’t available yet. Still, at least now a big stonking party can be formed in an official capacity. There are also several bug fixes for various things in the MMORPG that fans may want to read up on.

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