Rumor: Blizzard’s new WoW Classic survey once more raises hopes for a Classic Plus launch


If you’re anywhere even adjacent to the WoW Classic playerbase, then you’ve probably seen rumblings about a “Classic Plus survey” making the rounds in your personal feeds – and in turn sending some fans into a whirlwind of excitement and worry.

The supposed survey proposes “a new version of World of Warcraft Classic” that would include potential features like guild banks, new dungeons and raids, pet battles, and flying mounts. A few of the survey questions displayed by players ask whether some of these features among others would entice players to hop into this new Classic form of the MMORPG.

Naturally, this has sent fans into an absolute tizzy as they consider the possibility of a Classic Plus being really real this time, argue for or against the proposed features, or otherwise break down the survey images themselves.

At the same time, there are many who are expressing suspicion and doubt, with some calling the images fake, suggesting this is asking about the next season server, and asking for some rational thought especially considering how few people are sharing their own screenshots. It’s for those reasons that we’re going to file this in the rumor cabinet and suggest players maybe have their grains of salt at the ready.

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