The Daily Grind: What MMO should Daybreak buy next?


One of the surprise news bits out of July was the announcement that EG7-owned Daybreak – which had just been scrambling for cash, to the point of selling off the PlanetSide IP and shunting PlanetSide 2 off to a side-studio – had bought out Palia studio Singularity Six. I might be in the minority here, but I saw the move as a good one for both companies. Palia didn’t seem to have much of a future on its own, which would’ve been a waste of a cute game, and Daybreak has been positioning itself to get back to its roots when it comes to running older games (see: Magic Online) and provide regular revenue from committed playerbases instead of abandoning them.

Which of course leads me to wonder what the company’s next move is going to be. EG7, do you have more acquisitions in mind? Let’s hear some ideas. What MMO should Daybreak buy next?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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