PlanetSide 2 confirms NA server merges, plans new assault facilities and faction-agnostic mecha for 2025


This year marks 12 years since the launch of PlanetSide 2, which means that the game is now older than PlanetSide was when the sequel originally launched. To celebrate, PlanetSide 2 promises to continue merging servers!

OK, that may sound bad, but it’s not: Readers will remember that owing to popular demand, Daybreak/Toadman merged two European servers earlier this fall as a test, and now it’s aiming continue those merges “in the coming months.”

“Now we turn our focus to the North American (NA) servers. While we hear your requests loud and clear, this one is a bit more complex. We need to account for the challenges of ping and geographical differences since the NA servers serve players from many regions. That said, we are planning the NA server merge in the coming months, and we will keep you updated on the timeline. […] We’ve taken into account your feedback about how previous server merge events were held to earn new server names, and we are happy to announce that we are planning for a Title War, the official North America and Europe server merge, live server event for the Cobalt+Miller, and Connery+Emerald merge! Title War will pit all three factions into an all-out war for the title of the new merged servers for both EU and NA. Each faction will represent a new lore specific server name that you can help earn the final title for.”

The development team is also looking ahead to the game’s future in 2025, which will include a new kind of facility for players to build and assault with a new kind of gameplay compared to other such facilities. There’s also a new six-legged mecha planned for players to wreak havoc on whatever side fails to assault the right facilities. So there’s more juice in the game’s tank… which is more than can be said for the erstwhile sequel to the game, PlanetSide Arena, a game you had mercifully forgotten existed until we cruelly brought it up.

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