Ashes of Creation has once more provided some gameplay footage from within Alpha Two, only this time the footage is about a side of PvE and discussion about what Intrepid Studios is doing overall to improve the PvX sandbox as testing pushes forth.
The devs are still in what is called a “test and react” phase for the current alpha, with the devs keeping eyes on feedback and performance and applying fixes as they go. The team also talks about how it acts on feedback, naturally focusing on things that are liked and improving things that aren’t landing with players, along with a look forward to “more surprises” out in the wilderness. As they talk, the devs raid a camp full of upcoming giants and then join in a large-scale raid against a couple of demonic Ancient Ones.
The team promises that the current build “is the worst that Ashes will ever be” and that things will only improve as time wears on. For those looking to hear what the strategy is or to see new battles, the video with both awaits below.