Pantheon sets ground rules for character names and support ahead of early access


This Friday, December 13th, will see the early access floodgates open for sandbox MMORPG Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, but before then, Visionary Realms laid out some rules for players to follow regarding their character names as well as what sort of in-game support is available in certain cases.

First, the studio clearly outlines that names that try to be racist, sexist, profane, homophobic, or misogynist will not be permitted, nor will names that blow political dog whistles or infringe upon IP or well-known figures or celebrities. “A character named Brady wouldn’t necessarily violate the policy, but one named Tombrady D’Goat would,” the announcement provides as an example.

Other things that aren’t permitted in character names are special characters or numbers, names that reference major lore NPCs of the game, names that mimic Visionary Realms employees, and anything that references drugs of any kind. Those found to be violating these rules can face penalties anywhere from forced renaming to full-on account deletion and hardware bans.

As for support expectations, the studio points out that the game’s world is going to be dangerous, that losing items on character death is possible, and that things like dungeons are meant to be done with parties of players and not plumbed solo, so players are warned to exercise caution and work together. That’s not to suggest that there won’t be any support whatsoever; corpses that are stuck in the air or are otherwise unreachable can be moved, and there will be support channels in the game’s Discord to call for help or report bugs. There’s also that ol’ chestnut of the /unstuck command if players are trapped in the map’s geometry.

source: Discord (1, 2)
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