Cozy mini MMO Palia teases its next update with plushes, spa day decor, and makeup


Palia is teasing next week’s update, the Kilima Couture update, which lands on Tuesday. Granted, it doesn’t seem to be a particularly large update, but long-suffering players of the beta are probably used to that.

The teaser trailer is honestly pretty but not informative (all hail the snail), but the accompanying verbiage is hinting at a new feature called stickers, new “spa day” decor, new flowers, a new tint, new plushes (the snail is a plush, we are assuming?), and of course, a bunch of new cash-shop items, including cosmetics. The premium shop entry also lists “free makeup” too. We’re not sure whether that’s free as in free beer or free as in you can paint your face free-hand rather than rifle through makeup sets, though Discord suggests it’s specifically eyeliner.

Worth noting here is that Palia was a hot subject during the recent EG7 investor call (EG7 owns Daybreak, which bought Palia developer Singularity 6 last year). EG7 CEO Ji Ham told investors (yes, investors asked about the game by name) that Palia has been “performing according to [Daybreak’s] underwriting” thus far and is preparing a big update to coincide with the console release (and what the company has implied is the proper launch out of beta for the existing versions of the game). Ham acknowledged that content has been light since the acquisition – which players already know – but it’s specifically because the team is working on a large launch update to pull in new and lapsed players. And all of that is supposed to materialize at some point between now and the end of June, so if you’re feeling grumpy about the state of the game… stay tuned.

Source: Twitter
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