EVE Online talks up recent updates to its internet spaceship user experience


EVE Online, at a brass tacks and arguably reductive level, is a PvP gankbox where internet spaceships are thrown at one another because massive corps are vying for digital dominion. So naturally making the experience of managing those internet spaceships is a big part of the experience. It’s also been a noted focus for improvements by CCP Games as it continues to try to “evolve” the MMO.

The post doesn’t really outline anything brand-spanking new to regular players as it talks up the new informational cards that let players look at their fleet at a glance, the updates to the ship information window, and the cinematic introduction that heralds the first time a player boards a new ship. Most of what’s presented in the post is effectively a rationalization of design decisions and a recounting of how those decisions landed with players, especially in relation to info window tweaks, which apparently were met with a lot of resistance.

The dev blog closes by noting that these updates aren’t the end. “There are still multiple factors that can be added and improved, and as ever, this will continue to evolve along with EVE Online,” the studio writes. “These are strong foundations to inform future enhancements to the UI for a deeper immersion than ever before.”

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