Funcom has already patched Dune Awakening’s demo and character creation


Last week, we covered the news that Dune Awakening was both targeting May 20th for its launch and opening up a free-to-try demo that included the game’s character creation tool as well as a benchmarking tool. And if you happened to take Funcom up on that offer over the weekend, you might have noticed a bit of jankiness in the demo build. A new patch out this morning has fixed at least some of it.

According to the studio, it’s fixed issues with game settings, like the default window mode that was coming up empty and the video toggles that were locking the ultra/high/medium/low defaults. Moreover, the team says it’s fixed the weird shadow flickering, glowing eyes, mouth “irregularities,” hair clipping, borked face tats, and makeup opacity problems too.

If you gave it a try, let us know what you think! And if you’re waiting, maybe tune in to our Stream Team on Wednesday as our Conan Exiles duo, Larry and MJ, are planning to go in and go over every inch of it. Make sure it’s all cleaned up by then, Funcom, would ya? Heaven forfend we run into misaligned face tats.

Source: Discord
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