Star Citizen fans have put together a size comparison of in-game planets and real-world ones


Have you ever sat down and wondered, “Man, I wonder how the various planets in the Stanton system of Star Citizen compare to the ones in our solar system.” Wonder no more, little scientific navel gazer, because a Reddit user has provided an answer in infographic form.

This post is literally what it says on the tin, offering charts that line up the sizes of planets and moons in both Stanton and Pyro compared to the planets found within our solar system and compared to each other, sourcing numbers from a community website.

With these data, we can now safely call the planet Crusader a Certified Heckin’ Chonker of a planet when put against the celestial bodies in our Milky Way and the fictional ones in SC. It’s a neat bit of trivia for those who like to get a little more science in their sci-fi.

source: Reddit via Twitter
Longtime MMORPG gamers will know that Star Citizen was originally Kickstarted for over $2M back in 2012 with a planned launch for 2014. As of 2024, it still lingers in an incomplete but playable alpha, having raised almost $800M from gamers over years of continuing crowdfunding and sales of in-game ships and other assets. It is currently the highest-crowdfunded video game ever and has endured both indefatigable loyalty from advocates and immense skepticism from critics. A co-developed single-player title, Squadron 42, has also been repeatedly delayed.
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