Mortal Online 2 tests chat overhauls, optimizations, and rideable bush pigs in latest PTR build


What’s missing from your time in Mortal Online 2? Is it some improvements to the in-game chat? Some performance boosts and optimizations to the backend? Or is it the ability to hop on a bush pig and ride it into the sunset? If that’s the case, then the current PTR build has you covered with these important additions and more. Yes, riding bush pigs is totally important and we will not be taking questions on this matter.

The sandbox MMORPG’s upcoming patch is mostly about “optimizations, backend additions, bug fixes and technical changes” by Star Vault’s own admission, but there are features that the studio would like its players to kick the tires of, including an overhaul of chat that introduces multiple customization functions, client performance optimizations that adjust based on where a character is located, and the aforementioned bush pig mount feature. There are some adjustments made to spells and the taur dog mount as well.

Players who are looking to try these features, leave feedback, and submit bug reports (as well as presumably yell “Wheee!” while riding a bush pig) have between now and Monday, March 24th, to give these new updates a whack.

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