World of Warcraft player Chimneytime has one mission: Stick players in chimneys

And it's working

Yeah, super, we're all real impressed.

In Shadowlands, many World of Warcraft players were annoyed when the Jailer tried to pull the now-tired excuse that he was just attempting to shield existence from a bigger evil down the road. But that new evil has emerged, and it is an evil that players are unprepared to fight against: a Forsaken Priest named Chimneytime, who is here to trap people in chimneys.

No, really, that’s it.

The process is pretty simple, to be fair. As GamesRadar first chronicled, Chimneytime’s plan is to sit by a flight point, then wait until a player lands nearby. Use Mind Control. Jump the character from the flight point into the chimney nearby in the eight seconds the spell is active. Then… that’s it. You can’t jump high enough to get out of the chimney. You’re not hurt; you’re just stuck in a chimney.

Well, actually, the first part of the plan was probably to fall in a chimney, realize the exploit potential, and then roll a character named Chimneytime. It’s kinda hard to argue there was no premeditation here.

The fun and games couldn’t last forever, of course, and Chimneytime has allegedly received a warning from Blizzard that further such behavior will be met with action whether or not the actions are chimney-related (a sobering threat, contextually), but the player in question appears to already be searching for new similar exploits. Ultimately, the lesson here is that chimneys are the greatest villain in WoW. Is that the lesson? Eh, close enough.

Source: GamesRadar
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