Star Citizen is back once again from its quarterly video creation break, which means that Inside Star Citizen episodes are returning to fan YouTube feeds. In the first episode for winter 2022, the devs at CIG talk up alpha 3.16’s newly added Caterpillar crash sites and how they offer “challenging” new traversal puzzles for players to work through in order to get to some juicy loot.
Of course, the devs have vision for derelict sites: Players can look forward to derelicts in different biomes, different derelict ship types with other effects like corrosion or vegetation growth, and crash sites where NPCs have built structures around them. All of these plans are intercut with a variety of concept artworks that showcase what the devs are considering on a visual level.
The video then launches into a sprint report that covers more hospital development; the impending arrival of mining gadgets to alpha 3.17; a test of cluster missile and cluster bomb weapons; progress reports on the Drake Vulture, Hull A, Banu Merchantman, RSI Scorpius, and Drake Corsair; another look at gas clouds; and creation of outlaw space stations.