Sure, Star Citizen has showcased cargo and freight gameplay coming in alpha 3.24 already, but who’s stopping it from doing so a second time? This game doesn’t play by your daddy’s rules. It arguably doesn’t play by the rules of the law. So you’re getting more freight previews and you’re going to like it, giggleface.
All joking aside, the latest Inside Star Citizen video does more than just rehash freight gameplay elements, as it primarily zeroes in on the personal hangars portion of the update. The showcase talks up the increased size of these hangars, highlights the ability to decorate the space in what’s called a first pass at home ownership, and links the hangar with the earlier referenced cargo mission gameplay, since the personal hangar can be used to store bought commodities to sell at its location later when the prices are right.
There’s also further looks at some of the new inventory management associated with both the personal hangar and a dedicated kiosk, and lastly a few details about how personal hangar rules will either kick out trespassers or allow hangar owners to blow away invaders without fear of a crimestat. It’s not quite housing in the ‘Verse, but it is a start, and it’s all part of the grander cargo hauling loop that the sandbox has planned soon.