Kickstarted VR MMO Zenith just released its last content patch before heading into maintenance mode


This week’s Zenith patch is a bit of a bittersweet one – or grumpy one, depending on your view. That’s because it’s the last content update players of the Kickstarted virtual reality MMORPG are ever getting, as the game heads into maintenance mode now, having never gotten the standalone non-VR PC client originally promised during the $280K crowdfunding campaign that bolstered the company’s $45M investor haul.

Ramen VR says the patch – aka Season 4: Golden Isles – includes “the return of original Fast Fly, a new item trading system, a bunch of quality of life improvements to smooth out various game systems, all on top of the new layouts for Infinite Realms.” We also spy pet perk rerolls, more daily raids, and reductions in player count requirements for multiple content types.

“In all seriousness, we put a lot of work into trying to button things up as much as possible and leave Zenith in a good place for the long term,” the team writes.

The move comes after the company admitted to financial struggles and launched non-MMORPG spinoff Infinite Realms back in February and caused quite an uproar among its MMORPG fans, who reviewbombed the game on Steam. By July, the studio heads admitted that Infinite Realms hadn’t turned the Zenith franchise’s fortunes around, so Ramen would be maintenance moding the games in favor of future projects.

Worth a note here is that Ramen has dropped the price of the MMO to 10 bucks permanently on all platforms.

Source: Patch notes
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