PlanetSide 2 introduces an honest-to-goodness fishing activity to its public test server


We are well past the month of April, so you know that PlanetSide 2 isn’t telling a joke: Fishing is coming to the persistent war MMOFPS, and it can be tried right now in the public test server.

Fishing in the shooter is less “catch and release” and more like scan and log: Players equip a fishing scanner, find a body of water, and then launch a probe in order to engage a fish-finding minigame that involves maneuvering the probe close enough to a fish to get a full scan but not so close that it’s scared away. The ultimate goal is to gather a full log of fish, while the fishing scanner tool features a variety of attachments that increase battery life, help with attracting different fish, and make scans run faster.

The feature is obviously incomplete right now, and fishing can be done only on Oshur and Amerish, but soon players of all stripes will get to put down their guns and pick up a fishing rod-like device.

source: official site, thanks to Ping for the tip!
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