You kids today fail to give the Dreadstorm Monarch’s Eye of the Storm ability the respect it deserves in Albion Online, and so the developers have decided to step in and personally improve its power level to fix that problem. No, really. The latest patch is all about adjusting elements of the game that need improvement, made from giving Mage Sandals some necessary improvements (though not socks, never socks) to making Earth Crusher a little less overwhelmingly powerful in its execution.
The patch also features a small smattering of bug fixes in addition to all of the balance tweaks, so along with making sure that armor and weapon choices are closer in line with one another, you also have progress issues resolved. It’s a pretty minor patch, but if you really want Eye of the Storm to be properly respected, it’ll be a patch you remember fondly. Or you think it still deserves even more respect; in that, we cannot help you.