This week has introduced another fix and adjustment-focused patch for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen as the sandbox MMORPG continues to iron out its early access wrinkles, starting off with changes to lighting, some added graphics options like FSR2 and anti-aliasing, and a requirement for players to make sure they go to the server shard they died on in order to loot their corpse.
The patch has also made a few specific updates, such as adding more harvesting nodes in the Southern Moorvaki Marshes area of Wild’s End, removal of unused crafting components from supply crates, more frequent torn map fragment drops, and a lineup of bug fixes that address several crafting professions.
The MMORPG’s Discord is also seeing a few updates as well, specifically introducing new methods for players to report bugs via a dropdown menu, along with instructions on what are considered high priority reports like group features not working, items disappearing, or exploits. Visionary Realms says this will help the team “more efficiently review and address the large volume of bug reports” it has been receiving.