
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs offer ‘season pass’ style content?

Its seems as if we've been fielding a lot of email and podcast questions about season passes the last month or two. Paid season...
Feelings felt

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for its next live letter on May 15

If Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers got you to feel a feeling, you have Natsuko Ishikawa to thank for that. And she's working on the...

MMO dev sitcom Mythic Quest will premiere a bonus episode April 16 ahead of season two debut

Fans eager for the upcoming second season of the MMO development studio sitcom Mythic Quest won't have to wait until they get a taste...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Some interesting bits from Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.5 patch notes

Part of me has never been altogether clear on why I am so enthusiastic about seeing the fresh set of patch notes for Final...
Well, that's appealing, except not.

Blade and Soul prepares to send players to the Candycloud Carnival

The Candycloud Carnival is not like most other carnivals, so Blade & Soul players will need to prepare for that when it arrives in-game...

Gamigo outlines the timing for the last Defiance server shutdown

It's almost time to say goodbye to both versions of Defiance, and while fans of the sci-fi shooting MMO may be reveling in the...

The Daily Grind: How often do you change your MMO characters’ outfits?

One of the nice things City of Heroes' rogue servers did for the community was open up all the costume slots for everyone. Obviously,...

Global Chat: Dealing with Magic Legends

Now that Magic Legends is out, you can best believe that a lot of MMO gamers are checking out Cryptic's latest offering. Among those...

One Shots: The voyage home

When you've spent a whole lot of calories burning, pillaging, and looting villages, it's a welcome sight to see the rest and shelter of...

The Daily Grind: What mount type do you wish more MMOs would offer?

Here are some of my mounts in Final Fantasy XIV: a sheep. A flying pig. A giant moss-covered sneezing monster. A drifting stalk of a...

WRUP: Insulting highways edition

Interstate 84: Hey, you! You're fat. You're stupid and fat. No one likes you. You smell like reclaimed caulk. Fat. Fat. Fat. Route 66: Ooh,...
Leaf it up.

The Daily Grind: What MMOs should be adapted to mobile?

Sometimes the success or failure of a game may come down to its availability on certain platforms and systems. Sometimes an MMO that didn't...
And a real universe.

Betawatch: Who in the heck is running Dual Universe’s Novaquark?

Who is running Novaquark? Well, we know one person who is not, as the Dual Universe developer has finally admitted JC Baillie is not in charge....

Outriders offers players a care package to compensate for server outages and bugs

The launch for Outriders was messy because at this point it's just apparently de rigeur that every online launch is filled with connectivity issues and...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: Why WoW Classic players are mad about the Burning Crusade character boost

I'm not going to lie to anyone here: When the World of Warcraft: Classic team first announced the idea that you could boost a...

Final Fantasy XIV posts its patch notes for patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn

Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch arrives in just four days, but it's time to find out exactly what's in the patch right now....

The Daily Grind: Do you usually pick low-pop or high-pop servers in MMOs?

The other day, MOP's Carlo posted a pic of Black Desert's server selection screen, showing a ton of servers flagged "crowded" even at a...

Massively Overthinking: Self-imposed ‘rules’ for MMOs

I have a couple of rules of thumb when it comes to MMOs. When I start thinking about watching a video while playing an...

Blade and Soul launches its third Summoner specialization with its next patch on April 14

Sometimes, you want a new specialization for a class in Blade & Soul that's grounded in something like a deep reflection on martial arts and...
Locking, no popping.

Fallout 76 details a new Daily Op mode, new mutations, and new rewards

Good news for Fallout 76 players: The next update is dubbed Locked & Loaded, and it expects you to handle loading and/or locking accordingly because...