
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Does FFA PvP reflect badly on players?

Today's Daily Grind question comes from Luxxicon, a donor to our Kickstarter campaign. Luxxicon just wants to talk about open-world PvP. In fact, his...
Sad Cortana

Microsoft forces modded Halo Online launcher offline

Remember last week when Microsoft announced that Halo Online was a Russian exclusive? That didn't sit so well with a group of tech-savvy franchise fans,...

WoW Factor: Flying ruined everything and shouldn’t be removed

Allowing flying mounts in World of Warcraft was a terrible mistake that should never have been corrected. For those not up on their history, here's...

The Daily Grind: What’s the last non-combat activity you did in an MMO?

It's no secret that today's MMOs focus almost exclusively on combat. Oh sure, some of them have rudimentary crafting, trading, and housing minigames, but...
Fifteen years, what?

Habbo arrives on Android devices

Habbo is probably not a game that occupies a big chunk of your mental real estate, due in no small part to the fact...
Right in half.

Star Citizen whale talks purchases vs. donations

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past couple of years and have no clue about the crowdfunded beast that is Star...

Leaderboard: Have you talked someone out of buying a game you like?

So here's something that doesn't happen very often: I talked a friend out of buying Star Citizen's Vanguard LTI concept. In the past I've...

Massively OP’s MMO April Fools’ Day roundup, 2015 edition

It's April 1st, and in the MMO space that means that studios morph into merry tricksters and devious liars. But how will you keep...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a stripped-down mobile version of your favorite MMO?

The (as of yet unspecified) plans to create a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI touches on a sore subject for me: the lack...

Raptr steps into video social media with

Raptr's new platform called could be compared to Twitch because it focuses on video games, but it's probably more like Vine or Instagram...
Power whelming. Power with just the right amount of whelm.

The EverQuest team looks back on 16 years of bad ideas

EverQuest has been running for a very long time, and the game's successes are pretty transparent to anyone who has been playing the game...
Finite interest.

The Daily Grind: Have you tried Infinite Crisis?

Infinite Crisis came out on Steam last week, which was bad timing for me. I left town for the weekend and I didn't get to...
No top guns here.

Star Citizen opens up concept purchases for the Aegis Vanguard

Have you managed to make enemies in Star Citizen? Even though the full game is not actually available, do you have people who might...
You look very cold, ma'am.

The Daily Grind: What stupid mistake do you keep making in an MMO?

In a lot of games, the E key defaults to use/interact/whatever. Get near a thing, press E, you do what you need to do....

Guild Chat: The top five ingredients in every great guild

Welcome to Guild Chat, my comfortable little corner of Massively Overpowered in which I dissect the inner workings and tricky politics associated with MMO...

One Shots: Wedded bliss

Have you ever gotten married? In game, I mean. Well, if you haven't screenshotted it, it didn't happen. Fortunately this Final Fantasy XIV couple...

EverQuest’s new progression server could take you eight years to finish

Back in February, Daybreak announced plans for a new classic EverQuest progression server and allowed players to vote on the future server's ruleset. Yesterday,...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a regular gaming group?

When you're on a time budget and can't always be in a game 24/7 to join spontaneous guild runs, it's a blessing to be...
ArcheAge dolphin

Lost Continent: ArcheAge’s dolphingate was much ado about nothing

I'd like to play devil's advocate about this whole ArcheAge dolphingate thing. First, though, let me start with a disclaimer. If you've read this...

Chaos Theory: Quit whining and pay for your Secret World content

Those of you who know me know that ranting is not exactly my forte. Although I have dabbled in it a bit here and...